A Complete VVS Diamond Clarity Guide – Breaking Down the Details


Diamonds have long been revered as symbols of eternal love and timeless elegance. As one of the four Cs—Cut, Color, Carat, and Clarity—that determine a diamond’s quality, clarity holds a special place in understanding and appreciating the beauty of these precious gemstones.

Among the different types of diamond clarity certifications that we know, GIA is hailed as the most popular one. They categorize the diamonds based on the appearance of inclusions and blemishes on the diamond. Out of the available categories, VVS diamond clarity is one of them.

If you are considering buying diamonds and have been confused about the prospect of VVS Diamond clarity and what it entails, we will explore all the details in this guide.

What are VVS Diamonds?

What are VVS Diamonds

Under the GIA certification, VVS diamond clarity stands for “Very very slightly included” diamonds. This means that the inclusions or internal imperfections in the diamond are pretty much minuscule and only visible under magnification.

In short, VVS clarity diamonds are considered eye-clean, meaning that you can’t see or spot the imperfections on the diamond with your naked eye. They are only visible under magnification. 

If flawless diamonds are at the top of the tier, VVS diamonds are a close second when it comes to the appearance and clarity of the diamond, which explains why they are often highly-priced than the other variants like VS and SI clarity diamonds.

On the clarity scale made by GIA, VVS diamonds rank third on the list after Internally Flawless and Flawless diamonds. Also, VVS is further divided into two variants – VVS1 and VVS2. We will discuss more of them later.

What are the Types of VVS Diamonds?

If you are aware of VS diamonds and how they are divided, the same is the case with VVS diamonds too. They are divided further into two types – VVS1 and VVS2.

As their title suggests, VVS1 ranks higher in the clarity grade than VVS2, meaning that the “visibility” of the inclusions in VVS1 is slightly lesser than VVS2.

So, let us break them down further.

VVS1 Clarity Diamonds

VVS1 Clarity Diamonds

If we had to define, VVS1 diamonds are the next best thing that you can get if you can’t afford to buy flawless diamonds, given how expensive they are. VVS1 diamonds have very minute, almost negligible inclusions in them, which are usually not even visible under a 10x magnification.

To view the inclusions and imperfections in the diamond (if any), you’d need a highly powerful magnification device and a professional with trained eyes to recognize the inclusions in them. 

When categorizing a diamond, if the inclusion can be visible under 10x magnification, it is categorized as a diamond that’s below the VVS1 clarity grade. So, think of this as a benchmark that the professional jewelers use.

Besides the visibility of the inclusion, the placement and the number of inclusions in the diamond also determine whether or not it is a VVS1 diamond or not. In hindsight, VVS1 is one of the most eye-clean diamonds that you will come across.

VVS2 Diamonds

VVS2 Diamonds

Termed as the “Very very slightly included 2” category, VVS2 diamonds are just as good as VVS2. The only difference is that when these diamonds are placed under a 10x magnification, the inclusions are barely visible. In the case of a VVS1 diamond, it requires a very powerful magnification (>10x) to be able to view the inclusions.

Even when viewed fewer than 10 x magnifications, the inclusions are difficult to find in the VVS2 diamonds. You need a professional jeweler or gemologist with experience to point out the differences.

However, the funny thing about VVS1 and VVS2 is that when you look at these two diamonds with different clarity grades side by side, they are hard to distinguish.

What are the Standard Characteristics of VVS Diamonds?

When you are buying a diamond with a clarity grade as refined as VVS, chances are that you are paying a good sum of money for it. This explains why understanding the characteristics of these diamonds are vital.

The following are a few worth highlighting:

Microscopic inclusions

The standout feature of VVS diamonds is that they consist of minute inclusions, which are impossible to see with the naked eye. So, when you look at the diamond without magnification, it should pretty much look like a flawless diamond. Additionally, the inclusions are so tiny that they don’t deflect or interfere with the passage of the light, which is quite impressive too.

Rare and pristine

VVS diamonds are considered rare and belong to the upper echelons of diamond clarity. The scarcity of these stones contributes to their desirability and higher price points. This explains why they are often so expensive.

Exceptional brilliance

The minimal inclusions in VVS diamonds ensure that light can pass through the stone without obstruction, resulting in a dazzling display of brilliance. This is a key factor that makes VVS diamonds highly sought after for engagement rings and other fine jewelry.

We’d recommend that if you are considering buying VVS clarity diamonds, ensure that you cross-check these individual elements in detail so you aren’t confused about going with things.

How to Choose the Right VVS Diamond for Buying?

How to Choose the Right VVS Diamond for Buying

Buying a diamond is a highly subjective experience that depends on where you are buying it from, the kind of budget you want to spare, the kind of design you are looking for, etc.

So, when it comes to buying VVS clarity diamonds for yourself, the following are a few factors we’d recommend you consider:

Budget considerations 

VVS diamonds, due to being close to flawless, have a high price point. So, if you have a considerably low or mid-range budget and you don’t have the means to go overboard, you might want to consider something that’s slightly cheaper, like VS and SI. Another thing you can do is set a budget and then go to a jeweler to see if they have anything to offer within that budget so you aren’t disappointed or carried away.

Balancing the four Cs

One of the biggest things about buying a diamond is to have balance. You don’t want to buy a diamond that has high clarity but the cut is bad and not refined. It will make the final jewelry look underpriced.

Instead, the key is to have a balance of all the four Cs – Clarity, Cut, Color, and Carat. When buying VVS clarity diamonds, ensure that you are prioritizing the other factors too.

Diamond shape

Besides personal preferences, another factor that you have to consider when buying VVS diamonds is the shape. VVS diamonds are pretty much available in every shape, be it a circle, oval, square, rectangle, etc.

When choosing the diamond, you have to browse through the available options to see which one best fits your likes and dislikes and then purchase one accordingly.


There’s no point in buying a diamond if you don’t get the relevant certification for it. So, when you are spending your money on VVS diamonds, it makes sense that you’d want to focus on buying one with proper and legit certification from leading agencies like GIA, AGS, IGI, etc.

Ensure that you discuss the best options for purchase when you are contacting your jeweler. VVS diamonds are expensive and you want to ensure that you are getting your money’s worth.

Is there Any Difference Between VVS and VS Diamonds?

Difference Between VVS and VS Diamonds

Well, yes.

VVS stands for Very very slightly included while VS stands for Very slightly included diamonds. There is a big difference between them, especially when you view these diamonds under magnification.

For example, we mentioned that VVS diamonds, especially VVS1 diamonds’ inclusions are not visible to the naked eye, even under the 10x magnification. That isn’t the case with the VS diamonds.

The VS or very slightly included diamonds are the secondary clarity grade after VVS diamonds wherein the imperfections, inclusions, and blemishes are visible under 10x magnification easily but they appear clean to the naked eye.

So, when a VVS clarity diamond and VS clarity diamond are placed side by side and you are asked to distinguish between the two with the naked eye, chances are that you wouldn’t be able to distinguish them as easily. 

The only time the differences are visible is when these diamonds are placed under a magnification device, especially something more powerful than 10x when you are handling VVS diamonds.

Are the Differences Between VVS and VS Diamond Rings Visible?

Let us preface this with the fact that both VVS and VS clarity diamonds are eye-clean, meaning that you will not be able to tell there are inclusions in them with the naked eye. 

But, this doesn’t mean there are differences, especially when you pay close attention to the price point.

While there’s no way to physically distinguish between the two, the one factor that primarily distinguishes them is the price point. Due to the smaller number of inclusions, VVS clarity diamond rings are slightly more expensive than VS diamond rings.

However, keep in mind that the cut and the carat will matter. For example, if the carat weight is significantly higher, it will increase the price accordingly. Ideally, the choice you make comes down to what you prefer. Do you prefer the carat weight over the clarity? If yes, VS clarity diamond rings are pretty much a better choice than VVS clarity diamonds, especially when price is considered.

One thing that you have to prioritize irrespective of everything is the eye-clean nature. If the diamond looks eye-clean, the clarity won’t matter in the long run.

What is the Cost of VVS Diamonds?

What is the Cost of VVS Diamonds

Buying diamonds means that you have to consider four factors that determine the price – cut, color, clarity, and carat. 

When it comes to comparing the price of VVS diamonds, it is significantly less than a flawless diamond but more than VS clarity diamonds.

But, if we had to materialize it in terms of numbers, how much would the price range be? According to reports, the price of an average 1-carat VVS clarity diamond is roughly around $5500. The price will increase or decrease depending on factors like the carat weight and the design and setting of the jewelry.


VVS diamonds represent the epitome of clarity in the diamond world. Their rarity, coupled with microscopic inclusions that are nearly invisible to the naked eye, make them a popular choice for those seeking the highest quality diamonds. If you have been curious to explore more about VVS diamonds before purchasing them, we hope this article gives you all the details that you need to know.

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