A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding the Diamond Clarity Chart


Diamonds are one of the most coveted and timeless gemstones, admired for their brilliance, durability, and rarity. If you are considering buying diamonds, keep into account that several factors contribute to their overall beauty and value.

Among them, one of the most crucial aspects is the diamond clarity. It serves as a roadmap for understanding and evaluating the imperfections, or inclusions, within a diamond. The clarity of the diamond also determines the overall pricing of the jewelry that you buy.

If you are confused about the subject of diamond clarity and want to get a comprehensive understanding of what it means and how to assess it when buying diamond jewelry, you have come to the right place.

What does Diamond Clarity Mean?

What does Diamond Clarity Mean

Before we further elaborate on what a diamond clarity chart is and what it depicts, let us understand the importance of diamond clarity in the first place.

Diamond clarity is categorized by the visible internal as well as the external imperfections, commonly known as inclusions and blemishes, respectively. These imperfections are a natural result of the diamond formation process, occurring deep within the Earth over millions of years.

The diamond clarity chart is a standardized tool or chart that has been deduced by leading organizations like the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) to help consumers and jewelers have an elaborate and clear understanding of these imperfections in the diamond.

Understanding the significance of diamond clarity is crucial because it directly impacts a diamond’s overall appearance and, consequently, its value. The fewer the imperfections, the more brilliant and valuable the diamond tends to be.

What is the Diamond Clarity Chart?

What is the Diamond Clarity Chart

Now that you have an overview of what diamond clarity is, let us walk you through what the diamond clarity chart means.

The diamond clarity chart is a standardized chart developed by the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) that depicts the systematic grading system that categorizes diamonds depending on the visibility of these imperfections, especially the inclusions.

It is categorized into different grades, based on the extent of the imperfections and the level of clarity in the diamond. The chart usually starts with Flawless (FL) and ends with Included (I3), which is the diamond with the lowest clarity.

Here’s a breakdown of the different clarity grades:

clarity grades

1. Flawless (FL) and Internally Flawless (IF)

As the terminology suggests, FL and IF diamonds have the maximum clarity. These are the “perfect” diamonds available in the market and are usually the most expensive ones in the lot as well.

Due to the pristine and perfect clarity of these diamonds, they are usually very rare and hence highly sought after too. They are categorized by the fact that they don’t contain any visible inclusion or blemish on them, even when they are viewed under 10x magnification.

The internally flawless diamonds, as their name suggests, have surface blemishes but lack internal inclusions, which also makes them one of the most coveted diamonds in the market.

2. Very, Very Slightly Included (VVS1 and VVS2)

If buying Flawless diamonds isn’t within your budget but you still want that level of perfection, VVS1 and VVS2 diamonds happen to be amazing choices. These contain minute inclusions in them but, in most cases, they aren’t even visible even under 10x magnification.

The primary difference between the two is the size and location of these imperfections. VVS diamonds are highly valued for their exceptional clarity and brilliance. Compared to Flawless diamonds, which are very hard to get your hands on, VVS diamonds are comparably easier to access and their prices are lesser than Flawless diamonds.

3. Very Slightly Included (VS1 and VS2)

Next on the list of the diamonds in the clarity chart is the VS type, which is further subdivided into VS1 and VS2, depending on the visibility of the imperfections and the inclusions.

The VS category includes diamonds that have minor inclusions that are visible under 10x magnification but still relatively difficult to detect. Even for the diamonds that have visible inclusions, the appearance of the diamond isn’t deterred due to it, which is a bonus. What’s impressive is that these imperfections are not visible to the naked eye, which makes these diamonds eye clean.

In short, if you are on the hunt for premium-looking diamonds without the premium price tag, the VS clarity diamond makes for a good choice.

4. Slightly Included (SI1 and SI2)

The SI category is another diamond that’s regarded in the affordable price range because it consists of noticeable inclusions that are visible under 10x magnification. But, despite their visibility under magnification, they are still eye-clean, meaning that you wouldn’t be able to spot the imperfections with the naked eye.

Only trained gemologists and professional jewelers can spot the imperfections in the diamond. The majority of the people considering buying diamonds often opt for the SI category because it provides a balance between quality and affordability.

5. Included (I1, I2, and I3)

The last category in the diamond clarity chart that deserves to be discussed is the Included category, which has a maximum number of visible imperfections on the gemstone. This also makes it the most affordable one in the lot.

Diamonds in these categories have visible inclusions that may affect both the stone’s brilliance and structural integrity. I1 diamonds have inclusions that are somewhat visible to the naked eye, while I2 and I3 diamonds have more pronounced imperfections. If you are on a stringent budget, included diamond clarity is hands down the most affordable in the lot.

How to Interpret Diamond Clarity Grades?

Now that you have a clear understanding of the different diamond clarity grades, it makes sense for you to understand how these grades are determined in the first place. What kind of factors influences the clarity of the diamond?

How to Interpret Diamond Clarity Grades

We have managed to narrow down the factors for you:

  • Size and visibility of the inclusions

We have discussed from the beginning that the inclusions and the blemishes in the diamond determine the clarity grade. So, it makes sense that the size and the visibility of these imperfections determine the clarity grade. For example, Flawless diamonds have the least inclusions when it comes to visibility while Included diamonds have the most visible inclusions.

  • Location of the inclusions

Not just the size, the location of the inclusion also determines the clarity grade of the diamond. The inclusions that are near the center or on the table of the diamond may be more noticeable than those near the girdle or pavilion. So, this determines how the clarity is determined by the professionals.

  • Nature of the inclusions

The type of inclusion can influence how noticeable it is and its impact on the diamond’s overall appearance. Some inclusions, such as feathers or crystals, may be less noticeable, while others, like dark carbon spots, can be more visible and affect the diamond’s transparency.

  • Quantity of the inclusions

Next up on the list of factors is the quantity of the inclusions that are visible on the diamond. For example, the diamonds with more inclusions are usually the ones with lower clarity and vice versa. The overall distribution of inclusions across the diamond is crucial in determining its visual impact.

Based on these factors, leading organizations with authority like GIA have categorized the diamond based on its clarity, as we have discussed elaborately in the previous section of the article.

What are the Different Types of Inclusions in a Diamond?

When it comes to determining the diamond’s clarity, one aspect that’s highly popularized is Inclusions. More than the external imperfections, the internal imperfections or inclusions are idealized when it comes to determining the diamond clarity.

To get a better understanding of diamond clarity, it makes sense that you’d need to understand the different types of inclusions too. Here’s a breakdown:

  • Cloud – These include a cluster of pinpoint inclusions or imperfections that are present on the inside of the diamond. They affect the diamond’s brilliance and make the stone look very dull and hazy.
  • Graining – Graining occurs in the diamond due to irregular crystal growth and often affects the diamond’s appearance, giving it a white cast and hazy appearance.
  • Cavity – As the term suggests, cavities are visible cracks or dents in the diamond that affect the quality of the diamond and its appearance too.
  • Feather – These account for small “feather-like” cracks in the diamond, which makes it difficult to capture and reflect the light.

When you are assessing details about the inclusions and imperfections in a diamond, you must pay attention to the suggestions provided by the professionals.

How to Buy the Best Diamond based on its Clarity?

When you are purchasing the best diamond based on clarity, there are certain factors that you have to remain mindful of. Approaching the decision with knowledge and confidence is crucial as well.

Following are all the factors to prioritize:

  • Avoid overpaying

When it comes to buying diamonds based on clarity, the last thing that you want to do is overpay. The clarity grades are there to ensure that the consumers are paying a fair price and that’s exactly what you need to prioritize. For example, Flawless diamonds and VVS and VS diamonds, pretty much all of them are eye clean. So, there are chances that you might be sold a VS diamond and be asked to pay the price of a Flawless diamond.

This is one of the reasons why you need to buy diamonds with proper certification. If the jeweler fails to provide you with certification for the diamond, avoid buying from them.

  • Educate yourself

Buying diamonds is an extensive and expensive affair that requires you to be informed. The last thing that you want is to be fooled by a random jeweler. So, before you go ahead with any purchase, ensure that you educate yourself about the different clarity grades and types before finalizing one.

Also, always opt for a balance of the 4Cs when buying a diamond. You can’t only focus on the clarity and forget the carat weight, cut, and color when purchasing the diamond.

  • View in person

Buying diamonds online is always a great option because you get to indulge in a better deal. However, if this is your first time buying diamonds and you want to get a better rundown of the purchase, it is always better if you check the diamond in perfect. This will enable you to assess the quality in person and determine if the purchase is worth it.

Even if you are buying your diamonds online, you must buy from reliable platforms only to streamline things.

Bottom Lines

The Diamond Clarity Chart serves as an invaluable tool for both jewelers and consumers seeking to understand and evaluate the imperfections within a diamond. Given that the concept can be foreign to some individuals, we hope this article gives you a rundown of all the basic information about the clarity grade and its significance too.

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