A Comprehensive Guide to VS Diamonds


Diamonds often referred to as nature’s masterpieces, have captivated hearts and minds for centuries. Among the various factors that contribute to a diamond’s allure, clarity stands out as a key determinant of its visual appeal.

Among the different levels and grades of diamond clarity, one that specifically stands out is the “Very Slightly Included” category, commonly known as VS diamonds. Their combined benefits of affordability paired with a stunning and eye-clean appearance make them a coveted choice for people.

If you are curious about VS diamonds and want to splurge on them in real time, we have all the details that you need to know.

Defining Diamond Clarity

Defining Diamond Clarity

We will elaborate more on VS diamonds individually. However, for you to understand what VS diamonds are, you first need to understand the significance behind diamond clarity. 

To explain in simple words, diamond clarity defines the “visual purity” of the diamond. To better put it into words, the clarity of a diamond defines the extent of inclusions and imperfections on the diamond. These can be internal imperfections, which are called inclusions, or external imperfections, which are known as blemishes.

Either way, these imperfections are normal in a diamond because they are formed during the crystallization process. As the term suggests, VS diamonds have a higher grade of clarity with minimal inclusions and they are one of the most sought-after variants.

What are VS Diamonds?

What are VS Diamonds

Now that we have a clear understanding of what diamond clarity is, let us explore what VS diamonds are. The category “VS” is regarded to as by the Gemological Institute of America (GIA), which is one of the leading diamond certification agencies.

The category of VS diamonds is regarded to have very slight inclusions that are not visible to the naked eye and are generally visible when seen under 10x magnification. Since it’s termed as “Very Slightly Included,” it means that it consists of very minute imperfections, which improves the overall design and desirability of the diamond in question.

What are the Characteristics of a VS Diamond?

What are the Characteristics of a VS Diamond

Simply having an overview of the VS diamonds isn’t enough, especially if you are considering buying these diamonds in the future. Understanding and breaking down the individual characteristics is highly beneficial.

Following are a few of them worth highlighting:


VS diamonds consist of tiny and almost negligible inclusions in them, especially ones that aren’t visible to the naked eye. This is why they are termed as “eye clean.” Also, even if there are slight inclusions, they are typically confined to specific areas in the diamond and appear as crystals, pinpoints, feathers, etc.

Brilliance and Fire

Since VS diamonds have minimal inclusions, they allow for maximum light reflection and refraction, making the diamond look shiny and very premium when people wear it. The dazzling play of colors, especially under light is a sight to behold.


Despite all the positive things about the nature of VS diamonds, you can’t forego the fact that they are one of the most affordable diamonds out there. To the naked eye, they look like flawless diamonds but you aren’t paying the price for it.

What are the Sub-Types of VS Diamonds?

With an overview of VS diamonds, it makes sense for you to further understand the significance of the two major subcategories of VS diamonds – VS1 and VS2. They are two of the most common clarity grades that are available under this.

VS1 Clarity

In the VS grading range, VS1 clarity diamonds are the superior option with minimal to no visible inclusions in them. They are considered the ones with the maximum clarity. Even the inclusions that are present in the VS1 clarity diamonds can only be seen under 10 x magnifications and are not visible to the naked eye.

The clarity is so precise and clear that many people often confuse VS1 clarity diamonds with flawless diamonds. However, you have to understand that they are two entirely different grades and their price point is a testament to that.

VS2 Clarity

The second subset includes the VS2 clarity diamonds, which also have small inclusions in them but they are usually visible to the naked eye. You don’t always need 10x magnification to be able to see the inclusions. 

If you choose the right setting for the diamond, there are chances that you will not be overspending on the diamond jewelry by picking a flawless diamond. In such instances, opting for VS1 or VS2 diamonds is more than enough because they look close to being flawless.

When it comes to comparing, VS2 has more inclusions and blemishes than VS1. However, depending on the individual diamonds, these imperfections will either be visible to the naked eye or you’d need magnification or bright light to spot those imperfections.

What is the Difference between VS1 and VS2 Diamonds?

Difference between VS1 and VS2 Diamonds

With how close VS1 and VS2 clarity diamonds are in terms of appearance, it makes sense that people are often confused about which one to choose and which one to avoid. Being at a crossroads makes sense because the price difference between the two is fairly a lot.

So, the key is to understand the differences between the two and see which one justifies the price point better.

Visibility of the inclusions – If the diamonds are good quality, be assured that both VS1 and VS2 will look eye-clean. However, the key is to find ones that look and feel flawless. Both of them have imperfections in them but VS2 is the one with more “visible” imperfections, be it inclusions or blemishes.

Size of the inclusions – There is a reason why the VS clarity grade is further subdivided into VS1 and VS2. What you need to understand is the size of the inclusions. In most cases, they are categorized as minor. However, if you are picky about the visibility of the inclusion, we’d recommend going for VS1 since the size is way smaller and sometimes not even visible to the naked eye.

Eye cleanliness – VS1 is more eye-clean, meaning that you will not be able to spot the inclusions in the diamond with the naked eye. However, if your carat weight of the diamond is over 2 carats, we’d recommend settling for VS1 since it looks more flawless. VS2 is not an ideal pick for higher carat weight.

Ideally, choosing between VS1 and VS2 clarity diamonds depends on what kind of jewelry you are getting and also the kind of cut that you will get. Your goal is to ensure that the inclusions and blemishes aren’t visible.

What are the Factors that Influence the Value of VS Diamonds?

When it comes to buying VS diamonds, it makes sense for you to be curious about the factors influencing the value of the diamond in the first place.

To be fair, there are quite a few different elements at play.

Size of the inclusion – The size of inclusions directly affects the value of a VS diamond. Smaller, less noticeable inclusions contribute to a higher value.

Type of inclusion – The nature of inclusions, such as pinpoints or crystals, influences the diamond’s desirability. Some inclusions are considered more acceptable than others.

Position of the inclusion – The location of inclusions within the diamond impacts their visibility. Inclusions positioned near the center may be more noticeable than those near the edges.

Cut quality – A well-cut diamond can help mask inclusions and enhance overall brilliance. The cut quality of a VS diamond is a critical factor in determining its value.

Certification – Lastly, a well-valued diamond will be certified by one of the leading global agencies to verify its quality and authenticity and that applies to the VS diamonds too.

What are Some Buying Tips for VS Clarity Diamond?

Buying Tips for VS Clarity Diamond

Buying a diamond is a pretty expensive commitment, which means that you want to do it right. If you are considering purchasing VS clarity diamond and have been curious about some of the buying tips, be assured that you aren’t the only one.

Following are some of the factors worth highlighting:

Familiarize yourself with the clarity of grading

When you are buying VS diamonds, you need to learn to differentiate between the VS1 and VS2 diamonds to ensure that you are getting your money’s worth. Learning about the clarity grading will also enable you to figure out what would be a better investment or purchase option for you.

Determine the budget

VS1 and VS2 diamonds are pretty much the same, except for the difference in the visibility of the inclusions. If you are going for a diamond that has a higher carat weight, VS1 is a superior choice. However, if you have a very limited budget, VS2 can be a more affordable option.

Prioritize the cut quality

Another factor that you need to consider when buying diamonds is the cut quality. A diamond that’s well cut will have enhanced beauty and appearance, something that’s quintessential for you to be able to flaunt the item in front of people.

Balance clarity with other factors

When buying a diamond, clarity undoubtedly plays a crucial role in the purchase decision. However, you can’t brush aside the fact that you can’t buy a diamond based just on the clarity. Instead, you need to have a balance of things, including the carat weight, cut, design, setting, etc.

Consider the certification

Last but not the least is the certification. Irrespective of the cut or clarity of the diamond, you should never purchase one that doesn’t come with a certification. It should be verified by leading gemological labs like GIA, AGS, IGI, etc.

These are just a handful of the factors that you should consider before purchasing VS diamonds. Given that they cost a significant amount of money, take your time to research your options, explore the varieties, and also pay attention to the other factors that make the whole jewelry piece stand out.

Is it Worth Buying a VS Clarity Diamond Compared to SI1 or SI2?

Is it Worth Buying a VS Clarity Diamond Compared to SI1 or SI2

Everyone’s intention behind buying diamond jewelry is different. Some buy it for an engagement; some buy it as an investment. So, when it comes to choosing between VS clarity and SI1 and SI2 diamonds, the confusion makes sense.

However, you have to realize that VS is always a superior choice compared to the latter two. Not only in terms of the design, but also in the affordability, clarity, and overall purity of the diamond.

Some of the advantages of buying a VS clarity diamond include:

  • Enhanced purity
  • Greater brilliance
  • Perceived value is higher

At the end of the day, the choice is yours. However, if you are considering buying a diamond within a justified budget for the quality of the clarity grade, VS clarity is worth paying the money for.

So, there’s pretty much no room for competition between the VS and SI categories of diamonds. It is 100% worth investing in a VS clarity diamond.

Where is the Best Place to Buy VS Diamonds?

Well, there are only two options when it comes to buying VS diamonds or diamonds in general – offline stores or online platforms. The choice fizzles down to the kind of diamond you will purchase, the occasion, the price point, etc.

If you are someone who ties sentimental value to a jewelry purchase, it makes sense for you to go ahead and visit the store to look around and then finalize which VS diamond you wish to buy.

However, if you want to browse through more variance and also avail some exclusive deals and discounts, online platforms are your best friend. There are quite a few different ones, so we’d recommend that you settle for the ones with good reviews and reliability factor.

Bottom Line

VS clarity diamonds have become one of the most mainstream diamond choices among people in today’s date. If you have been curious about them and have wanted to explore more about their design, quality, and affordability factors, we hope this article gives you all the details that you need in the first place. Always prioritize purchasing diamonds from trusted sellers, irrespective of whether it’s offline or online.

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