A Comprehensive Guide to VS1 Clarity Diamonds: Unveiling the Brilliance Within


Diamonds have captivated human hearts for centuries, with their timeless beauty and enduring symbolism. When it comes to choosing the perfect diamond for an engagement ring or other special occasions, clarity is a crucial factor.

When discussing clarity grades, VSI Clarity Diamonds are probably the best ones in the lot. They stand out as a popular choice, primarily for individuals who are looking for a blend of quality and affordability.

Given the confusion persist surrounding VSI Clarity diamonds, their features, and what makes them so different, we have brought together all the relevant information for you in this comprehensive guide.

How is Diamond Clarity Deduced?

How is Diamond Clarity Deduced

We will discuss more specifically on VSI clarity diamonds but before we do that, it makes sense for us to first understand what diamond clarity means and the features and specifications that makes up this particular factor.

Diamond clarity refers to the presence of internal and external imperfections, which are termed inclusions and blemishes, respectively. These characteristics are formed during the diamond’s natural crystallization process deep within the Earth.

When the diamond is assessed and analyzed by gemologists, they pay close attention to these imperfections and categorize them from “flawless” to “included.”

So, when talking about VS1 clarity diamonds, they usually fall under the upper range in the clarity scale, meaning that they have very less inclusions or imperfections on their bodies, making them harder to explore even under 10 x magnifications. 

What Does VS1 Clarity Mean?

Now that you have a basic understanding of diamond clarity and what it depicts, let us get the basics straightened out. 

What does one mean when they say that their diamond is a VS1 clarity diamond? VS1 stands for “Very Small Inclusions 1” under the GIA laboratory certification. When talking about the VS clarity category, VS1 happens to be in the higher range of the chart.

As the full form suggests, the surface of a VS1 diamond has very minimal inclusions, which are harder to spot under a loupe or even 10 x magnifications. It can take a significant amount of time before a professional jeweler can find a blemish or inclusion on the surface, which explains why they are categorized as “flawless” diamonds.

Is VS1 Clarity Diamond a Good Purchase?

Given how expensive diamonds are, it makes sense that people are often curious about their investments, wondering if they are making the right decision with the purchase.

If you are new to the world of diamonds, chances are that you might not know this but VS1 and VS2 are categorized as two of the most popular, affordable, and excellent-quality diamonds in the market, both in terms of quality and appearance.

When you are purchasing a VS1 clarity diamond, the only thing you need to prioritize is buying one that’s “eye clean.” Additionally, since inclusions are so less in VS1 diamonds, they are generally not visible to the naked eye, which is exactly what you want when you are buying one.

Even if there are visible inclusions on the VS1 diamond, you want to ensure they aren’t in areas where they are easily noticeable. These are some aspects that you can cross-check with a professional jeweler.

Will Increasing the Carat Weight in VS1 Diamond Make the Inclusions More Visible?

Technically, the answer to that is yes.

As you keep on increasing the carat weight, it will inadvertently affect the amount of inclusions that you can see on the surface of the diamond. 

Even when the diamond has a VS1 or VS2 clarity but with a higher carat weight of 2.5 carats, chances are that the inclusions will be visible to the naked eye. This is one of the reasons why majority of the professional jewelers recommend straying from the standard VS1 if the carat weight is higher.

In such instances, opting for VVS2 (very very small inclusions 2) is considered a better choice since the imperfections aren’t visible to the naked eye in those instances. They are more “eye clean,” if you will.

However, if you are buying a diamond with a carat weight of around 1 carat or less, VS1 clarity diamonds are a pretty great and affordable option to explore. You won’t have to worry about imperfections in that case.

What are the Best Shapes for VS1 Clarity Diamonds?

Best Shapes for VS1 Clarity Diamonds

When talking about VS1 diamonds, you want to prioritize the shape too. But, the question is, “Why?”

Well, certain diamond shapes have the power to conceal the imperfections well and a lot better than the other kinds. You have a variety of options to choose from, including round, oval, princess, pear-shaped and the list goes on. 

Depending on the diamond and the uncut design, you’d have to select a shape that will best conceal the inclusions and make it look clean with optimal clarity.  

That said, if you want to retain the “rawness” of the diamond and don’t mind the inclusions and imperfections, opting for step cuts can be the best option in that case. Rectangular and square shapes are more common in those instances. However, you have to keep in mind that these have parallel facets, which make the inclusions more visible.

Is it Worth Buying VS1 Clarity Diamonds?

This is one of the most common questions that people have regarding buying a VS1 clarity diamond. The answer to that is subjective and primarily depends on the kind of budget you have.

When it comes to comparing, VS1 is a pretty expensive clarity, primarily because it eye clean. However, it is also true that you can achieve the “almost same” level of eye-clean appearance in the diamond when you buy a VS2 or SI1 diamond. There will be differences and discrepancies but the exterior appearance is more or less the same.

All that said, VS1 diamonds make a great choice for engagement rings, so if you don’t mind splurging a couple thousand dollars on a ring to gift to your partner, these make a great choice.

Many experts often depict making smarter choices, meaning that you can opt for a lower clarity diamond like VS2 or SI1 diamonds and then spend the difference on a higher carat weight or better setting for the stone.

However, we also need to understand that every individual’s experience with the diamond purchase is subjective. So, it fizzles down to what you think would be an ideal choice for you.

What is the Difference Between VS1 and VS2 Diamonds?

Difference Between VS1 and VS2 Diamonds

When you open the labels under GIA laboratory certifications, VS1 and VS2 are put under the same category but with two different subsets.

VS1 stands for Very Small Inclusions 1 and VS2 stands for Very Small Inclusions 2. While things might not seem a lot different in hindsight, the price difference explains the stark difference quite well. If your diamond is under 2 carats, telling apart a VS1 and VS2 clarity diamond is pretty much impossible.

However, there are differences between the two, which is why they are categorized into two distinct subsets in the first place. So, let us get the technicalities out of the way.

VS1 clarity diamond is marked as the ones where the inclusions on the diamond’s surface aren’t noticeable without a 10x magnification. On the flip side, VS2 clarity diamonds are the ones in which the inclusions are generally noticeable even without a 10x magnification.

If you are confused about which of the two would be a better purchase, we’d recommend you choose the one with lower clarity first and ensure that it eye clean. If the latter factor is ticked off the checklist, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t go for the one with lower clarity, especially because you will end up saving a lot more.

What is the Price of a VS1 Clarity Diamond?

Giving you a standard pricing of a VS1 clarity diamond isn’t possible. There are several factors at play. For example, a VS1 diamond that’s lab-grown will be cheaper than a naturally occurring one. There are other factors at play too, like the carat weight, setting, design, brand, etc.

However, if you are looking for an engagement ring at a reasonable price point with the best clarity, VS1 diamonds somehow manage to be the best option you will come across.

If the diamond is eye-clean, you are likely paying a lot less compared to what you’d end up paying for a flawless diamond. So, depicting the price is difficult but in hindsight, expect to spend a good few thousand dollars for a standard engagement ring with VS1 clarity. The price can start from something as low as $800 with no end to the higher end of the price point.

What are the Best Color Grades for VS1 Diamonds?

When you are buying a VS1 clarity diamond, it makes sense that you’d want to pay close attention to the color grades too.

Having a concrete and clear idea about the color grades ensures that you are getting your money’s worth and you won’t end up overpaying for the diamond.

Among all the available options, G color VS1 clarity diamonds are considered the best ones in the lot, especially for their design and appeal. These are also some of the most affordable ones in the market that won’t make you go point-blank broke.

Besides the G color variant, there are a few others, including:

  • F color
  • D color
  • H color
  • E color
  • I color
  • J color
  • K color

What we’d recommend you do is start with comprehensive research about the individual diamonds and the color grades and even get help from professionals to make an informed decision.

How to Choose the Right VS1 Diamond?

Finally, you have made up your mind about purchasing the VS1 diamond. How do you ensure that you are buying the best quality VS1 diamond?

How to Choose the Right VS1 Diamond?

Following are a few factors that you need to keep in mind:


Purchasing diamonds without proper certification is the worst thing that you will do, especially if you want a good return on the investment later in life. So, when you are buying VS1 clarity diamonds, ensure that it is recognized by laboratories such as the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) or the International Gemological Institute (IGI).

In-depth Inspection

Another factor that you need to prioritize before buying a VS1 diamond is doing an in-depth inspection. Take advantage of the jeweler’s loupe or microscope to inspect the stone thoroughly. While the inclusions are challenging to see with the naked eye, a closer look can help you appreciate the diamond’s unique characteristics.

Consider the Setting

Lastly, you have to pay attention to the setting as well. In most cases, the choice of setting can influence the overall visual aspect of the diamond. So, you want to invest in settings that enhance the stone’s design and brilliance.

Personal Preferences

Ultimately, the choice of a VS1 clarity diamond depends on personal preferences. Some individuals may prioritize absolute clarity, while others may prefer a larger carat size or a specific diamond shape. Understanding your priorities will guide you in making a decision that aligns with your preferences and budget.


In the realm of diamond clarity, VS1 diamonds shine as a popular choice for those seeking an exquisite balance between quality and affordability. The fewer inclusions on the surface of the stone contribute to the stone’s uniqueness without compromising its overall brilliance. If you have been confused about the diamond and want to explore more about it, we hope this gives you all the details that you need to get started.


What is a VS1 Diamond?

As we mentioned, VS1 stands for Very Slightly Included 1, which is a specific grade when it comes to a diamond’s clarity. They have a lot fewer imperfections on the diamond’s surface and have a more eye-clean look.

What is the Price of a 1-carat VS1 Diamond?

The price is never standard and depends on multiple factors. However, the price can start from as low as $3000 for a 1-carat VS1 engagement ring and can go as high as $13,000 or a lot more.

Which should you buy – VS1 or VS2?

If budget is your priority, we’d suggest you choose VS2 over VS1 and then spend the difference on other factors like more carat weight and the setting.

Does VS1 have Good Clarity?

VS1 is on the higher end of the clarity chart, meaning that the imperfections are a lot less and very hard to detect, especially with the naked eye. The majority of them have an eye-clean nature.

Is it possible for a VS1 Clarity Diamond to be Cloudy?

Very rarely will you come across VS1 clarity diamonds that are cloudy. It isn’t the case at all since they are polished to appear close to being flawless. 

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